UHNW & HNW Women:Work Life Balance Success. How is that going for you?

UHNW & HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching

UHNW & HNW Women
Work / Life Balance Success
How is that going for you?

Work / Life Balance. What is that all about?

Balancing work and life is never easy. Particularly when working people (this includes YOU who gets paid a remuneration, YOU who does volunteering work, plus YOU who is setting up a business + managing your home + doing home care duties looking after a member of the family), working people such as you who are repeatedly contacting one another through mobile devices and laptop equipment that can make it so easy to bring work and other life responsibilities home at any time of the day.

You are walking on a dodgy tightrope several levels high with the world and its donkey waiting for you to stumble and fall. The complications of work/life become greater when you are trying to juggle working from home consistently with the demands of certain people or pets at your home. They demand attention. They demand their well-being seen to. Then you are dealing with the interruptions that happen when managing your residence. The persistent knock, knock, knocking of life invading your space because everything is so convenient and immediate through modern technology.

A work and life balance can for many people feel like a chore. A hindrance. An extra something to do within the totality of your existence.

A work and life balance means different things for different people at different stages of life.

A work and life balance is dependent upon you and what you are going through in life. It can be a rigid set of processes, it can be a set of pigeonholes to compartmentalise aspects of your life. It can focus on mindfulness. It can focus on your well-being. It can focus on spirituality. It can be one aspect of those already mentioned. OR. A myriad of aspects trying to take the prime spot in your life. Always remember that a work and life balance has a rhythm and a momentum of ebb and flow.

For some of you there are work/life choices instead of work/life balances. It is these choices that you make that enable the consequences that unfold for you.

For others there is no such thing as work/life balance. There is work. There is life. There is no balance.

Understand that balance is not better time management, but better boundary management. Balance means making choices and enjoying those choices.

Generally, you as an entrepreneur views work/life balance as this (click on the image for an enlargement):
UHNW & HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching


The essence of YOU is perfect at this moment in time.

Understand that each moment comes with its own set of values.

All that you can be at each moment in your life is YOUR best.

Be your fabulous best at work. Be your absolute best at home.

Even if you cannot spend the time that you want in an aspect of your life, always be certain and true to you, to be at your best when you are in it.

Be in PRESENT co-operation.


Ask yourself this. Am I healthy? Am I cheerful? Am I engaging of myself and others? Do I feel as though I am contributing?

It does not matter how it all happens to enable a work/life balance. It just happens. But you must want to make it happen. That is the deal with YOURSELF.

Do not be unconscious about certain aspects of your life. The bits that you dislike working on, or are trying to hide, in order to get things over and done with. Are you trying to achieve a 50/50 work/life balance? OR. Are you trying to achieve a merry journey between your work and your personal life?

You will ebb and flow your attention and intention as you are intuitively guided to a work and life balance. This means that the guidance will show you directions and actions as to what brings you the most happiness, as to what feels good, as to how you see it fits in the here and now. Is that the life that YOU are trying to live? Not this 50/50 construct that is for you impossible. Where 50/50 means for you feeling static, obscure or dead of who YOU innately are. Do not get me wrong there needs to be a framework of some kind to enable the good things of life to journey towards you to enable your work/life balance. But everything does not need to be a rigid, constructed, soulless 50/50 totality.

You have ONE life make it integrated, connected and whole. This kind of work/life balance gives to YOU permission to flow and play in work and life and balance. All of YOUR time is your FREE time, as it is determined by YOUR choices.

Work/life balance does not have to be you signed up as a life long member to the Choir of Wretchedness. The Choir of Woes. The Choir of Despair. You are not trapped in a POW camp. You are not trapped on Devils Island.

If you work for yourself and you are complaining about the amount of work that you are doing. Check yourself! YOU created the work. So change the work flow and ebb. That is it!

You are what you desire. Your radical well-being has to happen day in, day out. Everything that feels good and healthy comes first. Focus on letting go of the old you that resides in your head. The old you that makes you feel stressed out. That makes you feel incompetent. That makes you feel incomplete. That makes you feel unworthy. That makes you feel bad about yourself.

Replace this with a voice that is loving, encouraging, caring and tender to YOU. Everything else that YOU do MUST flow from there. From there you can be inspired to do creative things. Innovative things. Meet new people. Forge new relationships. As you reach out, the change and the transformation will respond accordingly. All from the work/life balance ebb and flow of “What am I going to do that makes me feel good today?” takes precedence.

Take the very small steps towards a better change to help you through the anxiety, the dread, the unrelenting exasperation of trying to achieve the 50/50 work/life balance. To your transformation. Through your rebirth like a phoenix. The fire in your desire to lead a better work/life balance will be stoked to give YOU the inspiration to move forward in a way that balances with YOUR HERE AND NOW.

This is a composite of your work life primary focus:
This is a composite of your personal life primary focus:
profit & being rich
health & being healthy
family duties
hard work effort
being the boss
refreshing myself
handling all management issues
children and/or pets
image presentation of the business
quality time
meetings and appointments
work based visits
working above and beyond the hours of everyone else

Understand that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. They do not have to be big things, but they have to be meaningful. A shared experience with another individual is ideal. Never walk your success all on your own.

You as a woman, in particular, need to keep an eye on YOUR physical well-being and mental health, because if you are scurrying to and from appointments and errands you do not have much time to take care of yourself. You need to do a better job of putting YOURSELF higher on YOUR own ‘to do’ list.

Understand that balance is not something that you find. Instead it is something that you create. Never get so busy engaging in a living that you forget to engage in YOUR life. A true work/life balance comes with acknowledging that YOUR life activities are integrated and not separated.

Your work/life balance is about cultivating what is important to you when you can. It may be that you feel that you need a day between each of the seven days just to keep afloat. So understand that when YOU are working on YOUR work/life balance that it is not a candy cotton idea. It is vital for YOUR sanity. For YOUR well-being. With that in mind, never let work success go to your head and never let personal failures go to your heart. ALWAYS have a support system for you to call upon when you need it. This is your support team and it can consist of very few people that you trust and regard highly. These are special people chosen by you specifically to help you with your well-being. These are the people that will be there for you when you need help in your work/life balance adjustments.

Many women entering into new work and life situations still have a mindset that this new step into ‘something’ is like a dress rehearsal. Ladies please understand that the curtain is already up and you are already on the stage. There will be occasions when you need to step outside. Get some air. Remind yourself of WHO YOU ARE and WHO YOU WANT TO BE.

A wise woman recognises when her life is out of balance and summons the strength and courage to act to correct it. She knows the meaning of true gratitude and appreciation. Joy is the reward for a life lived in a harmonious rhythm with courage and grace as its partners along the journey trodden.

Finally. For those of you on the work/life balance focusing solely on money and power. Remember this. A complete person never works solely for money, for fame or for power. These aspects of life will not save your soul or indeed help you sleep at night.

"Ladies, if it is getting hard for you, contact me. Come and contact me. I am here for you."

So, Work / Life Balance Success. How is that going for you?

Is your work really your life? Is this the sole activity that you exist for?

#WordsHaveEnergy   #WorkLifeBalance   #TransformYourLife   #LiveToEnjoy   #ChooseHappy   #EnableBoundaries   #WorkLifeWellbeing   #BalanceEachDay   #HarmonyIsKey   #EnableYourInnerSelf   #ConnectWithYou

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UHNW and HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching