UHNW & HNW Women:Succeed When Being Listened To & Not Talked At

UHNW and HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching

UHNW & HNW Women
Succeed When Being Listened To & Not Talked At

Living in affluence does not mean following or obeying the mainstream tribe of affluence. It means embracing YOUR difference & dealing with the calling of abundance from day to day.

Join today’s conversation on why you as an Ultra High Net Worth (UHNW), High Net Worth (HNW) or affluent professional woman should look carefully at your situation and take the most appropriate risks that you feel you would be able to handle. Time is of the essence for you. You want to achieve as much as possible as the years fly by. You are getting older and you feel there is still so much that you want to do before your time is up.

Mingled into this are the expectations of others. The others who are YOUR life partner (husband, fiance, boyfriend, gentleman friend, wife, girlfriend, lover, lady friend). The others who are YOUR family (near and distant, bloodline and step family). The others who are YOUR ‘friends’. The others who are YOUR colleagues. The others who are stakeholders in YOUR life.

You are an UHNW, HNW or affluent professional woman and you have experienced a myriad of life trials and tribulations. You have been through levels of hate, stress, anger, self loathing, emotional upheaval, tears and tantrums. You have also danced along your life journey in the giddiness of joy, happiness, affection, glee, love, elation and adoration.

So, you are what you are and that is an affluent woman. You are shy or an introvert. Perhaps with low level autism. You live in an affluent home. You live an affluent lifestyle. You have weight fluctuations. You have dietary impulses. You have relationship quandaries. Yet right now; today, through all that you have been through, you are still trying to manage situations where you are not being listened to, but instead being talked at. Imagine that! A woman with your wealth and impact yet there are still people around you that do not listen to you and talk at you. Have you asked yourself the question “Why are they still around me?!” Those external, or surplus to requirements in your life are an additional baggage that you do not need, want or desire in managing who you are, where you are and what you do from day to day. Your knowing of yourself is what matters, as is being listened to instead of continually being talked at. This is important for you. It is the sole thing that matters to you above all else. From day to day situations of being listened to, instead of being talked at, is where all things happen for you. To you. About you.

Well done for listening to me as a woman. As an affluent woman.
As a woman who knows her own mind. As a woman who knows her place in the world. Well done indeed!

I enjoy receiving messages from clients outside of our scheduled appointments. Hearing your voice in my head as I read your messages. Listening to you over Skype, Zoom or the telephone. I enjoy the energy that you bring to the sessions. Regardless of whether you are sad, upset, stressed or angry from a recent situation. Or you are brimming with joy and happiness from a new discovery or milestone to your situation. It all matters in your development. Professionally. Socially. Privately.


November is here and; from what I have gathered, if you have not done so already, you are probably finding yourself wrapping things up for the year end. Taking care of your financial situations. Dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. Taking care of business strategies so that your office and business runs smoothly over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Plus, finalising courses, training and developments for the coming year. You are taking care of a smooth transition to completion in your professional life. That all stakeholders you work with are singing from the same hymn sheet. You do not want to be Ebeneezer Scrooge. You prefer to be the Fairy Godmother. This one time of the year you want to have peace of mind and do beautiful things for yourself and others. Not because a ‘to do’ list in your head dictates that you have to, but because your heart longs to do something special for special people. Marginalised people. Disadvantaged people. Nothing big and fancy, just something small and satisfying that touches your soul, warms your heart, makes you feel giddy with happiness or brings a tear of joy to your eye.

Time to "Bye, bye" the haters, the naysayers, the groupies, the imposters
who are certainly not serving you by not listening to you, where they are far too busy voicing their judgemental comments.


Your social plans are becoming busy in planning. Quite a few provisional dates are accruing for events. You cannot attend all but you welcome the invitations and the thoughtfulness of people inviting you. You are ensuring that you have dates and times available to enjoy the festivities and any unforeseen travel incidences.

Then there is your personal time and allocating it as best you can from this moment onwards.

Never mind the haters who do not appreciate your difference. It is all about you loving you for being different. It always was. It always shall be.


The song that comes into my head at the moment is ‘This Year’s Love’ by David Gray. It sends goosebumps on my skin when I listen to the intensity of a man longing to be loved, longing to find a love, longing to be happy with someone during this time of the year. The same intensity and longing that you perhaps have at this time of the year.

You and I both know that relationships tend to break down over the Autumn and Winter festivities. Temptation looms brightly to tantalise you with other people and opportunities. Romance is definitely in the air. Romance runs rampant throughout these seasons. The warmth of a log fire, the feel of a cosy home and shopping for beautiful objects to grace where you live, delivers joy to you. It makes you feel as though you live in castle. In a mansion. In a palace. In a grand other place. In a nice part of the city or town. In a picturesque village. Perhaps you already have such a property. Or two!

You are enjoying the Autumnal shades of the leaves. You adore this harvest time with its yield of goodies. The banquet of Autumnal delights. The banquet of Wintery delights. The sweet delights. The aromatic scent of herbs and spices in foods and beverages. You want this year to be perfect for you. No traumas. No tantrums. No upsets. No put downs.

In fact, you would even like to be left alone on Christmas Day itself. To curl up in bed or the large sofa. To dress down. To eat, drink, listen to music or watch whatever you desire on the television. No arguments over the television remote control. No arguments over the type of music that you want to listen to. No arguments over what time dinner is served. Simply no arguments whatsoever. Just you enjoying serenity over the festive days. Just you in love with being YOU. But if you have children, mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousins, grandparents, et al, you and I both know that that is not going to be the case. So you make do with the situation that you have and the expectations of the people involved. You make the best of the situation before the next event arrives for you.

But if you could do something just for you, what would that be?!

How many people have been talking at you today?

If you are feeling ‘so-so’, or, not coping well over the Autumn and Winter seasons, as you head into the mish-mash of the festivities and invitations that have already commenced, besides rising within the status of being a HNW, UHNW or affluent professional woman; in addition to handling being different as your place in society changes, drop me an email. At this time of the year how are you feeling about the relationship with your own Self? The most important relationship in your life. How is that going?

“Ladies if it is getting hard for you managing your life, contact me. Come and contact me. I am here for you.” Jay at RISE for women coaching. Enable your upper hand to provide for you when you click on the succeed button in your life.

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UHNW & HNW RISE coaching for Women