UHNW and HNW Women:Succeed & Pass 'What You See Is What You Get'

UHNW & HNW RISE coaching for Women

UHNW and HNW Women
Succeed & Pass 'What You See Is What You Get'...

in wanting to succeed in YOUR own way. How are you managing the impacts to your reality on your day to day professional, personal and social journey.

You are a High Net Worth Woman and you are not going to put up with the nonsense of relationships that test your sanity to the limit. Professional relationships. Social relationships. Private relationships. You are who you are. You look as you look. You speak as you speak. You feel as you feel. You are the product of where you were born; through no fault of your own. Yet you know that because of your particular rise in affluence and power, female and male swindlers want a piece of you and what you stand for. For their own warped glee and avarice in their game in trying to take you down and ultimately seeing people like you rot in misery. These are the self interest Alpha persons that you as an affluent woman have to deal with, as these Alpha snakes form predatory activities around you. Near and from afar. They behave in Machiavellian ways that you never thought were possible in a decent human being. From near and from afar they are there to find your weak spots with which to profit from. They instruct people to find your dirt and embellish untrue stories about you. They twist your words. They twist your actions. They twist your intentions.

How will they start to deceive you? This is how:

$$$ Some swindlers will use others to find out information about you in order to find a ‘sweet spot’ with which to approach you. For example, your schedule at a gym or spa. Your visits to a florist. Your stroll or jogging through a park.

$$$ Some will gain information about who you socialise with and get to know you through a friend or colleague that makes an introduction to you.

$$$ Some will gain information about where you socialise at and get to know you through a friend, or colleague that frequents that place fairly regularly.

$$$ Some will use information from the press or Internet about an event that you have been invited to attend.

$$$ Some will observe you, or your household staff, in order to find out how you are living. For example, the supermarket that you prefer to shop at and find out what types of foods and beverages that you like. Using this as a ploy to instigate a conversation should the opportunity arise.

$$$ Some will ascertain the locations where you prefer to shop for clothes. Striking up a conversation with you inside the shop/boutique on the pretext for fashion advice.

In such instances the swindlers will look like eye candy to you. Irresistible. They catch your attention, that is what they are supposed to do. They have a particular body language that you find magnetising. They speak in a way that is captivating. They convey themselves as non threatening. This persona is worn as easily and comfortably as an elegant linen coat. This type of enchantment has become a bankable ploy that keeps them in the lifestyle that they have become used to. Their techniques work. It is a money spinner. So why should they change a habit if a lifetime with hooking you?

So how do you respond to this entrapment? To this charm offensive.

You are blind to the ulterior motive so you say to yourself why not get swept off your feet by a ‘Charmer’. Have some company. Have some laughs. Have some good times. Then eventually you fall deeper and completely, only to find nothing substantial under the thin sweet covering of the ‘Charm’. The clarity of their slight of hand methods becomes clearer to you. What you realise at that point is what you see is what you get.

Then there are the swindlers who do not put much investment into their version of a ‘Charmer’. They do not have the complete Charmer’s package. They do not quite have the finesse, but they work themselves around you in other ways that you cannot resist in wanting to find out more about them. They intrigue you. You are curious about them. It is undeniable that there is a strong physical attraction to her/him. So, you wade in a little to test the unknown with this person. The closeness feels OK. The attention is OK. The kiss is OK. That is as far as you want to take the dalliance. There is no substance to this individual. Soon, very soon, they divulge to friends and anyone who shall listen to them of their antics of ‘being with you’. They do kiss and tell stories. Through the vehicle of the Internet they broadcast to anyone that will listen as to how they found your flaws and tapped into your wealth with ease. The slight of hand techniques that they have used on various other affluent women. Seeing women such as you as an easy money target. These swindlers show their mental ‘calibre’ and confirm that what you see is what you get.

What YOU see is what YOU get

Be aware of the power that stands before you as beauty and charm. Do not let the shine of beauty blind you with which to encapsulate you from seeing its quintessential ugliness and greed state of intent.

You want more than this shallow what you see is what you get. You want something more tangible. Something with which to build a solid foundation with, because you are the true epitome of ‘What You See IS What You Get’.

You are worth the effort because YOU are the real prize.

UHNW & HNW RISE coaching for Women UHNW & HNW RISE coaching for Women UHNW & HNW RISE coaching for Women

UHNW & HNW RISE coaching for Women