UHNW & HNW Women: Succeed. Nothing like the smell of piss to start the day

UHNW & HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching

Nothing like the smell of piss & 'hest dr*tt'
to start the day

You will never guess what one of my choice business scouring activities is?

On some days it includes signing up to people’s lists, looking over their freebies and skimming through them, on a few rare occasions I get to highlight, take notes on the good parts in addition to getting a perverse sort of pleasure at the uselessness of other parts. Does it help my coaching business? Yes, because I use this information to help my client's development, especially those who are in business.

On most days it excites me to wake up to an inbox of emails from my new subscription ‘Svengalis’.

I observe them trying to engage with me.

I observe them trying to create authority with me.

I observe them sharing helpful stuff.

I observe them telling me stories.

I observe their ‘soft sell’.

I observe their ‘hard sell’.

I observe their fright-based sell.

Heads up. Recently I have observed their threat-based sell too (does that sh*t actually work?)

But what is becoming increasingly common in my inbox is how little creativity these ‘Svengalis / gurus / coaxers’ use in their online communications.

All pitch emails start with "how to do something in so many days" (basically bland but true)
All freebie emails are called "Free workshops or webinars" (it says what it does on the tin, no frills, no extras)
All last chance emails are titled "Last Chance" well duh! (that is until the 'next chance' comes around. It is like someone doing a stinky-stink poo in a toilet and telling you to leave it for 30 minutes before you can use it again...WTF! Gas mask at the ready.)
All affiliate promotions start with "my good friend is doing this thing" (how much do you care what this total stranger ‘good friend’ is doing, in comparison to what the person writing to you is doing?)

Come on now…is there not ANY better way to further entice me?

I ask that of my inbox…(Yes, that is completely acceptable behaviour in my household to be speaking to the computer screen, although I must admit that other individuals in the property do add their own choice swearing phrases for deeper effect and meaning.  Never a dull moment here.)
“Where is the fun in doing what everyone else is doing?” (Are they actually having fun in what they are doing? Or have they gotten caught up in the matrix net of drudgery and despair?)
“Where is the uniqueness in your mode as a ‘Svengali’?”
“Where is your ‘you-ness’?” (that is a word right?)

UHNW & HNW Women

But seriously…this sameness…is beginning the process of what is making me start to abandon my choice business scouring activity. Honestly.

I just cannot stand the horse sh*t that these ‘Svengalis’ / ‘gurus’ / coaxers choose to sprinkle over my inbox.

Here is some food for thought for you…

If **this slowly going nuts, shy and introvert woman** who loves reading emails and newsletters is getting tired of this sameness… is getting tired of this pissing drone-type behaviour.  How do you imagine that your customers feel? I am talking about your internal customers + your external customers. The people who work with you and the people who buy from you.

Do they also look at your messages, letters, emails and newsletters thinking:
"Not another piece of horse sh*t!!" Or. “This looks like piss.”(Shakespearian drivel by any other name)
Do they jump at the chance to get more of you in their inboxes and letter boxes? (That they actively look forward to seeing you arrive in their mail box. With a real warm sensation running through their veins, or a beam of sunshine emanating from their thoughts at the sight of your name.)
Do they hang to your every word with their purse open & their mouth hanging open in mild ecstasy?
Or do they think:
"Jesus! Another lame ass offer"
Do your ads, videos, posts, webinars, emails make people want to skip an episode of your favourite TV programme (happened to me #truestory #salivating). OR. Does your message of engagement make them scroll even faster to the end and then hit delete?  Or more likely, scroll even faster to the end, walk away from the screen and reach for the alcohol.

If you are going through tough issues and this is impacting upon your performance in your professional, social and personal life you NEED to check out RISE and Succeed coaching. Taking you through the not-so-dark art of work/life balance coaching to enable your well-being.
With the RISE and Succeed monthly practices to bring clarity in one daring stroke, you can lift off through the learning curve to...
…spark your mindset,
…gain better momentum,
…wow your customers (internal & external),
…trigger remarkable word-of-mouth,
…create and manage your own un-ignorable buzz,
…outmanoeuvre your ‘haters’ and bring forth a torrent of new people who cannot help but adore you and what you do.

Enrol with me now if you want it ALL and more.
Here's to out-smarting the haters, out charming the shit stirrers and outwitting the piss artists.
Here’s to transforming the smell of piss and the sight of 'hest dr*tt' into something that delivers yield for you.

Affluent Women, Millionairess, Billionairess, High Net Worth Women, UHNWI in Australia, UHNWI in Canada, UHNWI in Indonesia, UHNWI in Malaysia, UHNWI in Singapore, UHNWI in South Africa, UHNWI in UK, UHNWI in Dubai, Affluent Shy Women, Affluent Introvert Women, Affluent Autistic Women

UHNW & HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching UHNW & HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching UHNW & HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching

UHNW and HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching