HNW & UHNW Women:Work Life Balance Success (Part 2). How is that going for you?

UHNW & HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching

HNW & UHNW Women Work / Life Balance
Success (part 2)
How is that going for you?

Work / Life Balance. What is that all about?

Balancing work and life is never easy. Particularly when working people (this includes YOU who gets paid a remuneration, YOU who does volunteering work, plus YOU who is setting up a business + managing your home + doing home care duties looking after a member of the family), working people such as you who are repeatedly contacting one another through mobile devices and laptop equipment that can make it so easy to bring work and other life responsibilities home at any time of the day.

You are walking on a dodgy tightrope several levels high with the world and its donkey waiting for you to stumble and fall. The complications of work/life become greater when you are trying to juggle working from home consistently with the demands of certain people or pets at your home. They demand attention. They demand their well-being seen to. Then you are dealing with the interruptions that happen when managing your residence. The persistent knock, knock, knocking of life invading your space because everything is so convenient and immediate through modern technology.

A work and life balance can for many people feel like a chore. A hindrance. An extra something to do within the totality of your existence.

A work and life balance means different things for different people at different stages of life.

A work and life balance is dependent upon you and what you are going through in life. It can be a rigid set of processes, it can be a set of pigeonholes to compartmentalise aspects of your life. It can focus on mindfulness. It can focus on your well-being. It can focus on spirituality. It can be one aspect of those already mentioned. OR. A myriad of aspects trying to take the prime spot in your life. Always remember that a work and life balance has a rhythm and a momentum of ebb and flow.

For some of you there are work/life choices instead of work/life balances. It is these choices that you make that enable the consequences that unfold for you.

For others there is no such thing as work/life balance. There is work. There is life. There is no balance.

Understand that balance is not better time management, but better boundary management. Balance means making choices and enjoying those choices. (Access 2019 Part 1 here.)


Everyone does this at some point in their life. You see the success of others as a reminder of your own shortcomings. Especially if you are doing a course/workshop and EVERYONE is starting from the same point. Everyone is being accountable to their progression. But somehow you fall by the wayside and have little time for accountability. Your focus on your shortcomings can be viewed as jealousy, or perhaps you like to be an observer on how people strive forward in life. It suits you to simply sit back and procrastinate. If you take the jealousy stance it is really a window into you to see what qualities you should improve yourself upon.

As a female entrepreneur are you doing this? First thing in the morning, you check a social media account. Be it Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, et al. When you look at your account do you find yourself realising that it is showing you a list of ways where you have responses to make, or content to create and it makes you feel as though you have already fallen behind? Where you see that already in the morning a mentor has released a new e-book. A professional colleague who is doing a home business hustle has already announced a new project before going to work. One of your friend’s has posted an introductory video for an upcoming online workshop and they look incredibly good on it. You are looking at this as you wait for the kettle to boil and make your first beverage for the day.

Ask yourself. “Am I really falling behind? Is anyone keeping score?” “Are these people posting their updates with the intent of making me feel terrible?” No. Of course not. However, if you are not careful, it can be very easy to view your social media accounts as a constant reminder of all the things that you are not doing. Perhaps not fulfilling your needs, wants and desires that go towards making your dreams realised.

Of course this is not a social media issue. It is a comparison problem. Two trains of thought here.

1. That ALL social media platforms are complicit in psychological angst. That they use comparison psychological triggers and chip away at your well-being making you mentally and physically ill the longer that you stay logged on to that platform. That your time currency is what they are after, because the more people that are similar to you who stay logged on to their platform, are directed to engage in such a way that the social media platform gathers further information about you which leads to monetising your actions for groups and advertisers.

2. There is not a single thing about any of the social media platforms you use that is designed to make you question how you are measuring up to others. It is all in your head. You divert towards your own internal automatic mechanism. That part of you that is made up of ego, part creative drive and part deep soul yearning. In other words you are talking to yourself saying “What does this say about me?” “What more am I capable of?” “How can I make an impact, leave a legacy and be seen as a content engaging leader?”

You do know that it is not just you that makes these internal discussions and comparisons. Others do it too. Individuals AND Businesses. Yes, even Blue Chip companies and world renowned organisations make comparisons about who they are and what they do compared to competitors. Market share and market dominance is everything to them.

So, yes, others similar to you do this internal discussion and comparison also. Particularly amongst other creative, growth-oriented individuals that you know, or know of. In a 21st Century society we live in an even more comparison soaked culture. It is challenging for many individuals to not look around at what other people are doing with their short time on this planet. For those that keep chasing the Jones’s, the Cepal’s, the Olusoga’s, the Khan’s, the Patel’s, the Chan’s, the Goldberg’s, the asking of “HOW are you fairing?” is in perpetual mode. The asking is there because it makes you feel as though it helps you release yourself from the stress and strain of a Work/Life imbalance:


You can do this. Do not let envy step into your shoes. Even if a competitor achieves an inspiring level of success and you start to complain about how unachievable it seemed to you. At some level you have to comprehend that you have no idea as to what it took for that competitor to get to that point of success and what they may have had to sacrifice to get there. Never assume that the success was due to Lady Luck, or that what they went through was unearned or effortless. In addition do not think that because you read the press release, you have a single clue about what is really going on behind the scenes.

Check yourself. You should know better. It is all too easy to view someone who has surpassed you with an idea and envy what they have attained, rather than to ask yourself the tougher questions about yourself and your mindset, such as:

  • What do they have that I wish I had?

  • What do I admire about them?

  • What have they done to get where they are today?

  • How does this relate to my own values?

When you reflect on these questions, you shift immediately out of comparison mode and turn inwards, to face the heart of the matter. In essence your own desires and fears.


It is important to understand that admiration and envy are responses you carry that point you towards what you value most. When you become aware of what you value, you are much better positioned to create a life that is incredibly satisfying.

If you notice yourself admiring people who take creative risks, bring your full attention to that part of you that wants to dare more greatly.

If you catch yourself envying someone who is at ease with self-promotion, take some time to reflect on how you might share your triumphs in a way that feels totally in tune with YOU.

As an example, if you are obsessing over an athlete’s body, it could be a sign that you are ready to revamp your fitness regime. Or even start one!Now do you get the idea.


Your comparison of someone else need not be a murky place where you are stuck, but it can be if you let it fester in your psyche. See comparison as a beam of light. A candlelight that shows you the way. When you engage with comparison in this way it is platinum.  The light that you see in others can help you see your own light and be appreciative of it as a moral compass.

So the next time that you catch yourself admiring or envying someone else’s success, gifts, or particular brand of radiance. Professionally. Socially. Personally. Take a moment to consider this:

  • What qualities in this individual inspires you?

  • Where do you currently embody these qualities?

  • How might your expression of these qualities differ from theirs?

  • What can you learn from your desire to embody these qualities more fully?

So the next time that you access your social media account you may find yourself looking upon your social media feed quite differently.

"Ladies, if it is getting hard for you, contact me. Come and contact me. I am here for you."

So, Work / Life Balance Success. How is that going for you?

#WordsHaveEnergy   #WorkLifeBalance   #TransformYourLife   #LiveToEnjoy   #ChooseHappy   #EnableBoundaries   #WorkLifeWellbeing   #BalanceEachDay   #HarmonyIsKey   #WorkLifeSuccess   #EnableYourInnerSelf   #ConnectWithYou

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UHNW & HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching UHNW & HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching UHNW & HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching

UHNW and HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching